Onboarding - Enriching Feedback

We know that the onboarding process of new employees is of great relevance to their progress in the company. Statistical studies indicate that 70% of employees tend to stay for 3 years or more in the company, after going through a structured onboarding process. 

Among its main benefits, we can mention greater engagement, greater probability of the company retaining the employee, ease in attracting new talent, increased productivity, among others.

During the onboarding period, an important "window" of opportunity for the company is also opened.

The newly arrived employee brings with him experiences lived in other companies and expectations that, upon his entry, he will be able to share both with his team and direct manager, as well as with the human resources area.

At this time, we have the possibility to capture valuable information, as well as make any adjustments to ensure a good experience for the employee and also for the team involved. And the feedback proves to be a very effective tool in this capture.

Some of the advantages of feedback during the onboarding process are: 

Security: the employee can perceive the company's genuine concern in knowing how he feels during the process, reinforcing the feeling of making the right choice when accepting the job proposal.

Ease of new hires: once employees are satisfied with the company, they share the information with other professionals, who come to recognize the company as a great place to work.

Improvement in the onboarding process: the employee can point out possible flaws in the process, which can be addressed and mitigated in the future. Also, they can suggest improvements.

The main feedback formats during onboarding are:

New Employee Interview (Qualitative Feedback)the purpose of this feedback is to identify how the employee feels during the onboarding process. If the interviewer is the manager and not a member of HR, you can also share with him the employee's performance so far. It is important to take note of the details that the new employee enters, keep them as a record and also share the most relevant points with the people involved in the process, always with the aim of making adjustments and promoting improvements. Our suggestion is that qualitative feedback occur twice and every 45 days, after the employee is hired.

Sample Questions - Qualitative Feedback:

How are you feeling during the onboarding?

Do you have questions regarding the company and/or your team's activities that have not yet been answered? If so, which ones?

Is there anything we can do to make your onboarding and initial performance of your activities even easier?

Survey w/ New Employees (Quantitative Feedback)the use of this survey format is more suitable to gather the general impression of employees. You can use open-ended, multiple-choice, or a mixture of both. However, if the company wants to capture the evolution of the adjustments made in the onboarding process, the multiple-choice and evaluation questions, zero to ten or one to five, are more indicated, as they make it possible to create graphs with specific periods.

It is worth mentioning that the feedback formats are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. Our suggestion is to provide quantitative feedback at the end of the onboarding period which, in some companies, coincides with the end of the trial period. 

Examples of questions - quantitative feedback:

How do you rate the initial training on the company's products:

5 - Very good 4 - Good 3 - Regular 2 - Weak 1 - Very Weak

How do you rate the team's receptivity upon your arrival? Where can we improve?

5 - Very good 4 - Good 3 - Fair 2 - Weak 1 - Very Weak

Observations: ____________________________________________________________

Based only on our company's onboarding process, on a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the company to a friend) or colleague apply for a job with us?



We can conclude that the feedback during the onboarding process is a powerful tool for us to improve more and more the way we welcome new employees. The degree of sophistication will depend on the size of the teams, the scope of the areas, among others. However, our suggestion is that, in case you cannot do something well elaborated, that the company do something basic, but well done and with purpose. 

By Good Bridge Team.

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